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In just 3 hours, you'll have your high-ticket offer (5 or 6-figures) created, dialed in and ready to sell. 


If you're anything like the women I work with on a daily basis, that would be game-changing.

But right now...

  • You're selling your programs, retreats or events for far less than what they are worth
  • You're worried about raising your prices for fear of losing clients or having no one sign up for your packages
  • You want to sell high-ticket but you have no idea how to create an irresistible offer or what to put in it
  • You have a high-ticket offer but you don't know how to market or sell it in this climate
  • Everything feels harder than it needs to be, and you want to have more financial freedom in your life


How would adding even $10,000 a month to your income change your life? What about $50,000? Or $100,000...while working less than ever before?

as seen in:

friend, You deserve to have all that you desire (and more). We'll help you get there.

Register for the WORKSHOP NOW

kind words

Lisa Michaud

Real Estate Investor, Coach

"This workshop was a game-changer for me. Thanks to Emily, Megan, and Nikki, I've gained invaluable clarity and inspiration for my high-ticket offer, and I'm leaving with a newfound sense of relief from the overwhelming analysis paralysis that I had been stuck with. Now, armed with a solid understanding of my target client, packaging, and a clear action plan, I'm ready to supercharge my business, both in terms of revenue and impact. Thank you for this incredible experience and transformation for my purpose - and my business!"

"I'm leaving with a newfound sense of relief from the overwhelming analysis paralysis"

Dr. Kim Pendelton

Intimacy Coach

“Emily helped me create my highest ticket packages including 5-figure VIP days in Paris and Hawaii!!”

tricia brouk

Producer and Speaking Coach

"Sam and Rachel are AMAZING.  They truly thought of everything. I've grown my business by over 6k dollars a month! Only working 20 hours a week and doing only the things I truly love to do!"

ready for this?

ready for this?

How to establish brand loyalty, create your marketing strategy, leverage social media and utilize your network.

How to identify your target audience, understand the components of a HTO, craft your offer and establish your pricing.

How to know if you're ready to add a high-ticket offer to your company. (And if you're not ready, how to get ready!)

Marketing your offer

DEveloping Your offer

Intro to high-ticket

On this WORKSHOP you will learn:

Register for the Workshop NOW

Analyzing your offer strategy and your results. And how to adjust as needed.

How to develop your high-ticket sales mindset, bust through blocks and how to set and reach sales goals.

Session 4:
Selling Your Offer

Session 5:
Finalizing Your Offer

My Signature HIgh-Ticker Offer process for creating, marketing and selling a high-ticket offer (even if you've never done it before) IN THE FOLLOWING SESSIONS:


Your High-Ticket Offer Mapped Out

We'll help you create your high-ticket offer (if you already have one, we'll ensure that you have it dialed in and that you aren't missing the key components of an irresistible high-ticket offer).

Your Initial Pricing Set

We'll support you in knowing what to charge for your offer. Hint: There are clients out there who will pay premimum prices but you also have to be ready to charge more. We'll help you get there.

Your Marketing and Sales Strategy

An offer is no good without a marketing and sales strategy. We'll teach you what's working to sell high-ticket offers for service-based business right now in this climate.

Register for the training NOW

Register for the training NOW


Let me be clear, this WORKSHOP is packed full of conent so you can immediately...

newsflash! there are clients out there who will pay premimum rates!

Drop the worry that people are going to think you're greedy or crazy for charging  higher rates.

Feel confident charging more for your services through your upleveled mindset.

Attract higher level clients who will pay your new rates and sell your program.

Create and sell packages, retreats or programs for 5 or 6-figures.

You made a sale...💰

You made a sale...💰

You made a sale...💰

And so much more!


Sometimes the words business and freedom don't exactly go together. Maybe you're trading hours for not enough dollars, and you're wondering how you're going to get out of the vicious cycle. After all, you can't just stop because if you do, your business will crumble.

I've been there. Once upon a time, I was exhausted, stressed, working 80-100 hours per week, wondering when I was ever going to see my husband.

The truth is, selling high-ticket changed everything for me. (It even helped me buy my house!)

All of that changed eight years ago when I learned how to create high-level packages and raise my rates. And I've never looked back! Now, I'm going to teach you everything that I've been doing for years! I can't wait to get this info into your hands... 

what I'm going to teach you enabled me to buy my first house!


Leah Gervais

Business Coach

"I worked with Emily when building the foundation of my now-seven-figure business, and still pull from what she taught me regularly!  She has a laser-focused way of pulling out what your strengths are and how you can package them in a way that is the upmost service to your clients, which is the seamless recipe for high-ticket sales. My coaching now sells for $30k- $75k and my business has built me the life of my dreams. So grateful to have learned from Emily and SO recommend it if you're building your own dream business!"

"My coaching now sells for $30k- $75k"

Dr. Kim Pendelton

Intimacy Coach

“Emily helped me create my highest ticket packages including 5-figure VIP days in Paris and Hawaii!!”

tricia brouk

Producer and Speaking Coach

"Sam and Rachel are AMAZING.  They truly thought of everything. I've grown my business by over 6k dollars a month! Only working 20 hours a week and doing only the things I truly love to do!"

Client names and information are removed for obvious reasons.

I sold high ticket pretty much right out of the gate in my business. For example, at eight months in, I was selling $25,000 1:1 coaching packages and continued to raise my prices from there. Here's a screenshot of some of the recent single high-ticket transactions (over $10,000) in my Stripe account...

I've sold high ticket offers for the Past eight years...

want more proof that this is possible?

This is what I need!

For years, I've been teaching people how to do this. But up until now, it's been behind closed doors with my private 1:1 and Mastermind clients who (surprise, surprise!) paid anywhere from $25,000 - $130,000 to work with me. But now, for the first time, I'm bringing this content to you in this class.

previously reserved for my top 1:1 clients...

PSST! this is the first time i'm revealing this content! 

YEs, save my seat!


Karin Mohler


"The three hours intensive workshop flew by and were filled with information that helped me gain more clarity around where I was going wrong and guiding me in the right direction. I now have a deeper understanding of who it is that I want to work with, who my qualified client is and that I am now excited about targeting her rather than mass targeting as this feels a lot more personal and therefore more accessible. Framing all of this in a deadline with numbers and days is now no longer an ok I’ll say yes for the workshop now and then ignore it task but an actual task that I have translated onto my calendar. It now actually seems possible."

"It helped me gain more clarity around where I was going wrong and guiding me in the right direction"

Dr. Kim Pendelton

Intimacy Coach

“Emily helped me create my highest ticket packages including 5-figure VIP days in Paris and Hawaii!!”

tricia brouk

Producer and Speaking Coach

"Sam and Rachel are AMAZING.  They truly thought of everything. I've grown my business by over 6k dollars a month! Only working 20 hours a week and doing only the things I truly love to do!"

Megan Huber

Megan is the client experience expert known for designing exceptional programs, building high-performing teams, and liberating Visionary CEOs from the day-to-day operations of their education-based businesses. Her secret weapon? Her mastery is peeking behind the curtain of amazing programs and orchestrating processes and order that streamline operations and accelerate success.

Expertise: Program Creation, Team, and Operations, Client Success Specialist

Nikki Nash

Nikki is the marketing gal known for crafting mind-blowing strategies, assembling kick butt marketing teams, and freeing Visionary CEOs from the marketing weeds. What’s her superpower? Creating money making marketing strategies and training and developing marketing team members to successfully grow the business. 

Expertise: Marketing, Lead Generation, Client Retention



Jennifer Jayde

Soul Coach, Speaker

"Charging more premium pricing was new and uncomfortable for me, but with Emily’s guidance and coaching, I was able to successfully create $20k+ offers with ease and continue to benefit from everything I learned while working with her :)."

"I was able to successfully create $20k+ offers with ease"

Dr. Kim Pendelton

Intimacy Coach

“Emily helped me create my highest ticket packages including 5-figure VIP days in Paris and Hawaii!!”

tricia brouk

Producer and Speaking Coach

"Sam and Rachel are AMAZING.  They truly thought of everything. I've grown my business by over 6k dollars a month! Only working 20 hours a week and doing only the things I truly love to do!"

Enroll and get the following...

LIFETIME Access to the replays and content so you can revisit it anytime you need or want a refresher.(Valued at $297!) 

Printable resources, worksheets, and guides to reinforce what you're learning and make selling high-ticket as easy as possible (Valued at $297)

Access to Guest Experts learn marketing tips and selling strategies from real people who are selling high-ticket programs and packages. (Valued at $1997)

My Complete Methodology for Creating and Selling High-Ticket Offers — three hours designed to fast-track your high-ticket sales.  (Valued at $2997)



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Save your seat now
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regardless of what you want to create and sell...

We've got you covered


luxury retreats




kind words


Speaking Coach, Producer, Director

"Emily has an incredible way of asking questions so that you become keenly aware of the value you offer and are able to attach a number to that offer that is in alignment. Within three months of working with Emily, my high ticket offers paid for our entire year together."

"I was able to successfully create $20k+ offers with ease"

Dr. Kim Pendelton

Intimacy Coach

“Emily helped me create my highest ticket packages including 5-figure VIP days in Paris and Hawaii!!”

tricia brouk

Producer and Speaking Coach

"Sam and Rachel are AMAZING.  They truly thought of everything. I've grown my business by over 6k dollars a month! Only working 20 hours a week and doing only the things I truly love to do!"

You're just plain not ready to take this step. (And that's OK.)

You're not willing to make this a priority, take the time or spend the money.

You don't have an established business or clarity on your ideal client.

You don't want to raise your prices and create services over $5000.

This is probably NOT for you if:

You're highly coachable and ready to take action on what you learn.

The idea of making a lot of money (in one transaction) excites you!

You're a coach, consultant or service provider with an established business. 

You want to add a high-ticket offering to your business to serve your clients.

This IS for you if:

You might be wondering if you're in the right place

Register to save your seat now!

Act fast

DISCLAIMER: This masterclass  is not a get rich scheme and it will require a developed skill set or ability to take action. It takes commitment and dedication to achieve results, and if you are unwilling to do that, this is not for you.